Hi everyone!
My name is Remi Storch, and I am a junior studying public relations. I came home to Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Florida my freshman year in 2016. I never knew how much of an impact the little white house on the corner would have on my life. Since joining, I have served as the chapter’s Assistant Internal Philanthropy Chair and Membership Education Vice President. Serving as MEVP was one of the hardest but most rewarding things I have ever done. Having the opportunity to lead a group of 280+ of my closest friends, and welcome 80 new alpha members, is something I will never forget and will cherish for a lifetime.
We have had a busy month at Gamma Iota! Our very own Leah Roddenberry not only represented ADPi in the Miss University of Florida Scholarship Pageant, but she also won the entire event and will go on to compete in Miss Florida! Additionally, our AC ’18 class just received their aunts in our annual Blue and White Night. We recently had a grab-a-date at a venue in town called The Range. The theme was animal print, and we all loved it! The whole chapter LITERALLY had to grab a date - our social chair, Izzy, gave us 48 hours to find a date! Even though I have a boyfriend, the chaos of everyone finding a date is so fun! This past weekend, we had our annual Senior Send Off to Daytona Beach. It was so nice to get away for the day, and get a tan! It’s things like this — spontaneously having to find a date or spending the day at the beach — that are some of the most fun and memorable times we will have in college. Never again will we live a life that is like this, where all of our best friends are living under one roof or are just a few blocks away.
The best thing about ADPi is that you are never alone. This weekend is Dance Marathon at UF. I still remember the morning of DM my freshman year. There was a group of us living at the Ivy House where most of us were volunteering to stand on our feet for the next 26.2 hours and a few others who decided they would support us instead. These few woke up extra early to make us a huge breakfast display of eggs, bacon, waffles, fruit, you name it! After this, they drove us all to the O’Dome and dropped us off to, as my friend Isabella would say, “save the world.” It was in this moment, and through the course of the 26.2-hour event, where I made some of my closest friends in ADPi. I knew that these girls were my forever friends. I still think it is so cool that we as an organization, can come together to support a cause that is so much bigger than ourselves. While some decided to dance again the next year, some decided their DM days were over, and some decided to keep investing in the organization — becoming Captains and Overall Director: The ADPi support system still stands, whichever you choose. I have now been a Public Relations Captain for the past two years in a row, and I know my ADPi friends will be there for me no matter what, whether it’s a caffeine pick-me-up or a quick Chipotle-run.
I cannot imagine all the little and big moments in my life now without these friends by my side.
Thank you to the little white house on the corner for giving me my best friends and even better memories that will last a lifetime.